Home / School News / Spring Reading Challenge!


Dear families of Willway,

For the last three years, we have run a Spring Reading Challenge for students of Willway. If your child/ren read for any 7 days over Spring Break, they will receive a bookmark and reading medal.

The aim is to read for 20 minutes, then colour in a circle in the booklet. Once they have coloured in 7 circles, they have competed the challenge! Return the booklet to the library after Spring Break for your child to receive their medal.

Reading can consist of: your child reading independently in their head, your child reading aloud, your child being read to (by a parent/care giver), or listening to an audio book. It is not about how many books you read, but the time you take 🙂 Look for the booklet in their backpacks and happy reading Willway!


Mrs Sketchley